How it works
How it works
Our Story
Get in touch
Buy a Brand
. Customise
. Company Information
. Edit Items
your brand
Change Company Name
If you are happy with the brand name as it is, please leave this section blank. Ideally we are selling the brands name as seen, however if you wish to use your own name please state it and here and this will replace the name sold with the brand.
If applicable, please ensure your company name is reflected in your email address and web address. We will be in touch if there is an issue with the name you have provided.
Change Colour Scheme
If you are happy with the color scheme how it is, please leave this field blank.
Colour Scheme Change
(As it will appear. Leave blank if you wish to keep the color scheme.)
Please provide an image which clearly demonstrates the colours you require.
e.g. screenshot, word document with text set in desired colours. Max file size: 1MB
Further Requests
Any special instructions for our designers?
Please note small amends will be free, but larger changes may incur a cost.
The information you supply here will be how it is displayed on your brand items, so please
complete this step before proceeding
, checking that details is correct (e.g. spelling, case senstive)
Country *
Where the brand will be used. This will decide the size of business cards, compliment slip and letterhead files.
Company Phone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
[email protected]
Web Address **
This will replace the domain sold with the brand. Leave blank if you wish to keep the domain.
Company Address
Further Requests
Any special instructions for our designers?
Please note small amends will be free, but larger changes may incur a cost.
* Required Field.
** Please note: Our FREE Registered Domain Name service does not include custom domain names, only the domains sold with the brands. If you wish to use a different domain name, please make sure you have registered it with a web hosting provider.
Edit your items
Business Card
Please untick any information you do not wish to include on your business card.
Company Name
Company Email
Company Phone number
Company Fax Number
Company Address
Letterhead / Compliment Slip
Please untick any information you do not wish to include on your letterhead and compliment slip.
Company Name
Company Email
Company Landline Number
Company Fax Number
Company Address(required)
Further Requests
Any special instructions for our designers?
Please note small amends will be free, but larger changes may incur a cost.